Double Taxation Treaty – Panama
Territoriality Tax Rule or Territorially tax system means “Do not pay taxes in Panama incomes for offshore source”, is a major fiscal benefits for foreign investors, however the country was victimize for Criminal Organization, choosing our jurisdiction for laundry money activities.
We desire to refer to some aspects of Law 42 of October 2, 2000, which prevents the Crime of Money Laundering, Banks need to ask their customers , the major amount of information to clarify the source of the money and / or deposits received.
Panama in order to be removed from the blacklist of organizations such as the (OECD) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Global Fund (IMF), Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) has signed several treaties Mutual Cooperation for the exchange of information regarding financial transactions in order to prevent the crime of money laundering in countries like Mexico and the United States.
Additional the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has more than 11 Treaties for the Prevention of Double Taxation (DTT), some of the countries: Mexico, Barbados, Qatar, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Singapore, France, Korea, Portugal and Ireland, Vietnam and Austria.